
unusual facts about Akhundov

Ali Valiyev

Ali Valiyev (1901-1983) is a prose-writer, the member of Azerbaijan Writers Union, Azerbaijan People’s Writer, the State reward prize-winner named after M.F.Akhundov.

Huseyn Arablinski

His other stage roles Shah (Agha Mohammad Khan Qajar by A.Hagverdiyev), Khlestakov (The Government Inspector by N.Gogol), Heydar bey (Haji Gara by M.F.Akhundov), Othello (Othello by W.Shakespeare), etc.

Mirza Fatali Akhundov

Punik, town in Armenia was also named in the honour of Akhundov until very recently.

Vali Akhundov

Akhundov has been awarded with Order of Lenin, Order of the Red Star, Order of the Patriotic War and other ordens and medals of honor throughout his political and scientific career.

see also