In 1907, he took 6th in Berlin (Richard Teichmann won), tied for 12-14th in Ostend (B tourn; Ossip Bernstein and Akiba Rubinstein won), and took 20th in Carlsbad (Rubinstein won).
He took 6th at Vilna (Wilno, Vilnius) 1909 (the 6th All-Russian Masters' Tournament, Akiba Rubinstein won), and took 13th at Vilna 1912 (the 7th RUS-ch, B-tournament, Karel Hromádka won).
Arthur Rubinstein | Rubinstein | Akiba Rubinstein | Nikolai Rubinstein | Helena Rubinstein | Seymour I. Rubinstein | Jon Rubinstein | Robert J. Rubinstein | David Akiba | Yaakov Rubinstein | William Rubinstein | Salanter Akiba Riverdale Academy | Rubinstein–Taybi syndrome | Rubinstein-Taybi syndrome | Pablo Rubinstein | John Rubinstein | Gillian Rubinstein | Ellis Rubinstein | Beryl Rubinstein |
He scored excellent results in major international tournaments, including first at Amsterdam 1926, ahead of Savielly Tartakower and future world champion Max Euwe; first at Meran 1926, ahead of Esteban Canal; and first at Scarborough 1930, ahead of Maróczy and Rubinstein.
The trap takes its name from Akiba Rubinstein, who had the misfortune of falling into it twice, in the games Max Euwe–Rubinstein, Bad Kissingen 1928, and Alexander Alekhine–Rubinstein, San Remo 1930.
He finished fourth in the very strong St. Petersburg 1914 chess tournament, behind only World Champion Lasker and future World Champions José Raúl Capablanca and Alexander Alekhine, and ahead of Marshall, Ossip Bernstein, Rubinstein, Nimzowitsch, Blackburne, Janowski, and Gunsberg.