
5 unusual facts about Alan Keyes

Andrea Barthwell

Barthwell was favored by moderates on the Illinois Republican Central Committee to run against Democrat Barack Obama, but conservative committee members ultimately won out after two days of gridlock, forcing the committee to select former United Nations Ambassador and perpetual candidate Alan Keyes.

Jack Roeser

In 2004, a Federal Election Commission complaint by a Washington, DC based group, Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington, alleged that Mr. Roeser illegally funded a series of attack ads against Barack Obama who was running for U.S. Senate against Alan Keyes.

Jim Oberweis

Some Republicans felt that as the second place finisher, Oberweis should replace Ryan, but the state central committee chose Alan Keyes instead.

Maya Keyes

Marcel-Keyes was born in New Jersey and raised in suburban Maryland by Alan Keyes, and wife Jocelyn Marcel-Keyes who is a native of India.

Maya Jeane Marcel-Keyes (born May 23, 1985) is an American social and political activist and daughter of Alan Keyes, a candidate for the 2008 Republican presidential nomination.

Darrell Castle

At the 2008 Constitution Party National Convention in Kansas City, Missouri, Baptist pastor Chuck Baldwin defeated former Assistant Secretary of State for International Organization Affairs Alan Keyes to win the party's nomination.

International Freedom Foundation

Its Washington lobbyist/film producer, Jack Abramoff, was said by Newsday to have recruited willing – but perhaps unwitting – Republican politicians including: Senator Jesse Helms; Rep. Dan Burton; Rep. Philip Crane; Rep. Robert Dornan; and Alan Keyes.

Iowa Republican caucuses, 1996

Bob Dole and Phil Gramm tied for the win with 24% of the vote each, followed by Pat Buchanan (18%), Lamar Alexander (11%), and Alan Keyes (8%).

Phillip Jauregui

ValuesVoter.Org was created to serve America’s largest voting block and Jauregui serves on its board of directors along with Phyllis Schlafly of Eagle Forum, Rick Scarborough of Vision America, Alan Keyes of the Declaration Foundation, Manuel Miranda of the Third Branch Conference, Tom McClusky of the Family Research Council, Aryeh Spero of Caucus for America, Andrea Lafferty of Traditional Values Coalition and Janet Folger of Faith 2 Action.

Republican Party presidential debates, 2008

Seven candidates attended-- Brownback, Huckabee, Hunter, Paul, Tancredo, and newly announced candidate Alan Keyes and John H. Cox, a candidate who had then not appeared in any of the other debates.


Numerous nationally syndicated shows filled the 10AM-noon slot including hosts Mike Walker, Alan Keyes and Bo Gritz.

see also