
unusual facts about Alan V. Oppenheim

Signal processing

According to Alan V. Oppenheim and Ronald W. Schafer, the principles of signal processing can be found in the classical numerical analysis techniques of the 17th century.

Alan Morgan

Alan V. Morgan, professor in earth sciences at the University of Waterloo, winner of the E. R. Ward Neale Medal

Alan V. Tishman

They had Two daughters (Pat T. Hall of Santa Fe, New Mexico and Virginia Nina Tishman Alexander of New York City) as well as one son David Tishman, four grandchildren, and three great-grandchildren.

BenoƮt Fould

Fould was married to Helena Oppenheim, daughter of Salomon Oppenheim, founder of Sal. Oppenheim private bank.

Burrell's Field

# Four Edwardian houses, including Whewell House (built for L. F. L. Oppenheim, Whewell Professor of International Law, later home Major-General Frederick Barton Maurice and Silbury House.

Sal. Oppenheim

With the death of Alfred Freiherr von Oppenheim in 2005, the Oppenheim family's participation in the bank effectively ended.

Through the marriage of Abraham Oppenheim to Charlotte Beyfus in 1834, the family became closely related to the prominent Rothschild banking family in matters both personal and business-related.

Stefan Siegel

Followed by a modelling career (he appeared in campaigns and catwalk shows for Prada, Gucci, BMW, K-Swiss and Calvin Klein), Stefan started working for companies such as Ernst & Young and Sal. Oppenheim in Switzerland, and the Merrill Lynch M&A Investment Banking group in London specialising on the Consumer & Retail sector.

see also