Among the many honors he received, in 1985 Dossena was awarded the prestigious Ambrogino d’Oro per l’Arte from the City of Milan and in 1989 a ceramic tile with his signature is placed in the famous Muretto di Alassio.
Gibba (born 1925 in Alassio, Italy), is the pseudonym of Francesco Maurizio Guido, an Italian animator who did several erotic cartoons in the 1970s and 1980s.
There are also paintings of his in his hometown of Pieve di Teco as well as in the parish church of Sant'Ambrogio in Alassio.
She made one film, Till We Meet Again, in 1944; her autobiography, Forsaken Altars, was published in 1954, after her death in Alassio, Italy.
Marble statue of San Antonio Abato in the oratory of Santa Caterina d’Alessandria in Alassio
Villanova d'Albenga borders the following municipalities: Alassio, Albenga, Andora, Casanova Lerrone, Garlenda, and Ortovero.
Alassio |