
2 unusual facts about Alastair Reynolds

Chimera House

Diamond Dogs, a short story by Alastair Reynolds, is about a group of people trying to get an alien artifact kept at the top of a tower protected by deathtraps.


Self-replicating spacecraft, a fictional self-replicating space craft in the science fiction novels by Alastair Reynolds.

Beyond Singularity

Authors they credit with writing convincingly about the singularity who are not included in this book, are Brian Stableford, Stephen Baxter, Bruce Sterling, Greg Bear, Iain Banks, Nancy Kress, Alastair Reynolds, Peter F. Hamilton, Ian McDonald, and Vernor Vinge.

Incident pit

Pushing Ice, by Alastair Reynolds, uses incident pits as a key plot points in the context of an Interstellar Ark.

see also

One Million A.D.

The setting of Alastair Reynolds story was later used as the setting for the novel House of Suns.