Production of Cerveza Polar, a 5% abv lager began during the 1940s, and eventually, the company grew into the largest beer producing company in Venezuela, producing also Solera, Solera Light, Polar Light, Polar ICE and Polar Zero.
The drink is currently available as a 45% ABV spitit with the "Agave Worm" or a premium 55% ABV vodka without the "worm".
alcohol | Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives | Alcohol | volume | Kill Bill Volume 2 | Chronicles: Volume One | Kill Bill Volume 1 | Alcohol intoxication | Volume Magazine | Volume | The Way We Walk, Volume Two: The Longs | The Science Fiction Hall of Fame, Volume Two | Low-alcohol beer | Long-term effects of alcohol | Live Phish Volume 13 | Isopropyl alcohol | Hardcore Devo: Volume One | Greatest Hits Volume 16 | English Freakbeat, Volume 5 | DGC Rarities Volume 1 | Capital, Volume I | A Monstrous Psychedelic Bubble Exploding in Your Mind: Volume 1 | Alcohol by volume | Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau | West Virginia Alcohol Beverage Control Administration | Volume Two (She & Him album) | ''Volume Two'' | Volume Serial Number | Volume serial number | Volume One (She & Him album) |
Orchard Cider (4.5% alcohol by volume) is a Cornish kegged cider manufactured in collaboration with Cornish Orchards in Duloe.