In the late evening of June 6, 1944, the 82nd Airborne’s glider troops began to arrive in France staged from Aldermaston airfield, each involving hundreds of CG-4 Waco and Airspeed Horsa gliders and managed in code-named phases denoted: Mission Keokuk, Mission Elmira, and the final two glider landings were scheduled for June 7, 1944 during the morning hours in Missions Galveston and Hackensack which brought in the 325th Glider Infantry Regiment (325th GIR).
Lambrakis, protected by his parliamentary immunity, marched alone and arrived at the end of the rally holding the banner with the peace symbol (photo), the one he had previously held up during the Aldermaston rally in the United Kingdom while protesting near the Atomic Weapons Research Establishment (AWRE).
It owns one-third of the Atomic Weapons Establishment, Aldermaston, UK.
The book draws on some of Langford's own experiences working at the United Kingdom government's Atomic Weapons Research Establishment at Aldermaston, Berkshire.
Lawes was born in Aldermaston, Berkshire, the son of Richard Lawes, a tailor, and his wife Mary, née Pickover, and was educated in Mortimer West End.
Aldermaston | RAF Aldermaston | Aldermaston Marches | A.F.C. Aldermaston |
A.F.C. Aldermaston play at the Recreational Society (commonly abbreviated to "Rec Soc") at the Atomic Weapons Establishment in Aldermaston, having been founded shortly after the complex's establishment.
A.F.C. Aldermaston, a non-league English association football club based in Aldermaston, Berkshire
The Aldermaston March Committee for the first march comprised Hugh Brock, Pat Arrowsmith and Michael Randle from DAC plus Frank Allaun MP and Walter Wolfgang from the Labour H-Bomb Campaign.
Lockheed's failings included safety concerns at the Y-12 facility at Oak Ridge, Tennessee, an American weapons plant similar in certain ways to Aldermaston.
He was a member of the Aldermaston March Committee which organised the first Aldermaston March against British nuclear weapons at Easter 1958; Chairman of the Direct Action Committee Against Nuclear War, 1958–61; Secretary of the Committee of 100, 1960–61; and a Council and Executive member of War Resisters' International, 1960–1988, chair from 1966-73.
@UK plc - an e-procurement company headquartered in Aldermaston, United Kingdom
In 1953, shortly after the Americans tested a thermonuclear weapon in 1952, followed by the Soviets with Joe 4, and before the UK government took a decision in July 1954 to develop a thermonuclear weapon, the Atomic Weapons Research Establishment at Aldermaston was asked about the possibilities for a very large pure fission bomb with a yield of one megaton.