Beginning life as a YouTube series created by Shane in October 2011, the format was quickly spotted by TV executives and signed for a terrestrial spot after appearances from big name stars such as Hulk Hogan.
McColl's extra training came from special seminars with Justin Richards, Stevie Knight, Tex Benedict, Alex Shane, Raven, Doug Williams, and Tony Spitfire.
Alex Ferguson | Shane Warne | Alex Rodriguez | Alex Cox | Alex | Shane MacGowan | Alex Jones | Alex Chilton | Alex Trebek | Alex Salmond | Alex Katz | Alex Riel | Alex Ross | Alex Haley | Àlex Corretja | Shane Mosley | Shane Meadows | Shane | Alex Moulton | Shane Battier | Alex Zanardi | Alex Smith | Alex Kapranos | Alex Jones (radio host) | Shane Watson | Alex Shnaider | Alex Shelley | Alex Karras | Alex Grey | Alex da Kid |
Newer members would be inducted throughout the shows, such as Alex Shane, Jonny Storm, The New Breed, Frankie Capone and The Flatliner.