
unusual facts about Alexander III of Scotland

Alexander of Scotland

King Alexander III of Scotland (1241–1286), King of Scots, only son of Alexander II by his second wife Marie de Coucy

Dughall MacSuibhne

In 1262, he lost his lordship and lands to Walter Stewart, Earl of Menteith after Alexander III of Scotland granted Skipnish, Killislate amongst other lands in Knapdale and the parish of Kilcalmonell in Kintyre.

Robert de Keldeleth

He took a prominent role as a supporter of Alan Durward during the minority of Alexander III of Scotland, and appears to have lost the Chancellorship as result.

Walter Comyn, Lord of Badenoch

Walter was one of the leading political figures in the Kingdom of Scotland, especially during the minority of King Alexander III, when, along with Alan Durward, he essentially ran the country.

see also