Alexandre Dumas | Alexandre Benois | Alexandre Guilmant | Alexandre Yersin | Pierre Charles Alexandre Louis | Alexandre Pires | Alexandre Herculano | Alexandre Dumas, fils | Alexandre Barbera-Ivanoff | Alexandre-Antonin Taché | Louis-Alexandre Taschereau | Charles-Alexandre Léon Durand Linois | Alexandre Michon | Alexandre Lenoir | Alexandre Koyré | Alexandre Calame | Alexandre-Athenase Noghès | Pierre-Alexandre Monsigny | Pierre-Alexandre Aveline | Louis Alexandre Andrault de Langeron | Henri-Alexandre Wallon | Alexandre Vinet | Alexandre Tharaud | Alexandre Silva Cleyton | Alexandre Pato's | Alexandre Pato | Alexandre Millerand | Alexandre Massura | Alexandre Marine | Alexandre Luigini |
With Le montage (winner of the Grand Prix du roman de l'Académie française, 1982) Volkoff illustrated the methods and networks of tricks and traps of Soviet "disinformation" in Europe; the idea of this novel could have come from Alexandre de Marenches, director of the SDECE, who may have provided the factual basis for its plot.