While briefly residing in Los Angeles, he met Tommy Victor (Prong, Danzig, Ministry), who invited him to play drums for a KMFDM remix he contributed to their recent album, "Krieg", as well as to join an updated version of Prong with Victor and newly-recruited bassist, Tony Campos (Static X, Asesino, Ministry).
He is currently the drummer for the New York-based band, Prong.
In 2002 he also contributed lead and backing vocals to Finnish hardcore/punk band, Endstand on two tracks from their split EP with Kafka.
Robert Rodriguez | Alex Rodriguez | Alexei Kosygin | Iván Rodríguez | José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero | Alexei Nikolaevich, Tsarevich of Russia | Paul Rodriguez | Omar Rodríguez-López | Alexei Sayle | Silvio Rodríguez | Alexei Yagudin | Pedro Rodríguez | Miguel Ángel Rodríguez | John Rodriguez | Felix Rodriguez | Carrie Rodriguez | Spain Rodriguez | Narciso Rodriguez | Félix Rodríguez (Central Intelligence Agency) | Tito Rodríguez | Roberto Rodríguez | Pedro Rodríguez (racing driver) | Marcos A. Rodriguez | Lolita Rodriguez | Lalo Rodríguez | Johnny Rodriguez | Arsenio Rodríguez | Rich Rodriguez | Paul Rodriguez (skateboarder) | Juan Rodríguez Clara |