
4 unusual facts about Alexis of Russia

Alexei Romanov

Alexis of Russia - Tsar of Russia from 1645 - 1676, son of Tsar Michael of Russia

Alexis of Russia

But it is sufficient for Sergey Platonov to proclaim him the most attractive of Russian monarchs.

When Charles I of England was beheaded by the Parliamentarians under Oliver Cromwell in 1649, an outraged Alexei broke off diplomatic relations with England and accepted Royalist refugees in Moscow.


Alexis Michaelovitch, also known as Alexis of Russia

Naryshkin family

It became allied to the ruling house in 1671 when the great beauty Natalia Naryshkina (daughter of Kirill Poluektovich Naryshkin) married Alexis of Russia, later becoming the mother of Peter the Great.

Tsarevna Catherine Ivanovna of Russia

Catherine (reportedly the favorite child of her mother), spent her childhood in her mother's state of Izmaylovo, also the birthplace of her paternal grandfather Tsar Alexis.

see also