
4 unusual facts about Alfonsina Storni

Luis Perlotti

He became acquainted with other Argentine artists, including painter Benito Quinquela Martín, poet Alfonsina Storni, and others, who would gather at the Café Tortoni.

Marina Núñez del Prado

Along her successful career she met outstanding artists such as Pablo Picasso, Constantin Brâncuși, poets Gabriela Mistral, Alfonsina Storni and Juana de Ibarbourou.

Paseo La Plaza

The center also includes a small convention center for up to 1200 visitors, divided into the Alfonsina Storni, Pablo Casals and Julio Cortázar Rooms.

Tania Pleitez

She was part of the research team that edited the anthology La vida escrita por las mujeres, and was credited researcher for the biography Alfonsina Storni : Mi casa es el mar (Pub.

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