
unusual facts about Allotment


Allotment, a small area of land held in trust by the U.S. Government for the benefit of an individual Native American (see Dawes Act, a program of the U.S. Government, beginning in 1887, to break up Indian reservations and allot tribal land to individual Native Americans).

Charles C. Painter

He also lobbied heavily for the institution of the Allotment policy introduced by Senator Henry L. Dawes, and passed in 1887 as the Dawes Act.

D'Arcy McNickle

In 1925 McNickle sold his land allotment on the Flathead Reservation so that he could raise the money necessary to study abroad at Oxford University and the University of Grenoble.

Emergency Relief and Construction Act

The Brooklyn Navy Yard received an allotment of $880,000, marked for specific projects such as $215,000 for repairs and the maintenance of roofs, waterfront quays and docks, and Yard's railroad system.

Henry L. Dawes

The Dawes Commission, set up under an Indian Office appropriation bill in 1893, was created, not to administer the Act, but to attempt to persuade the tribes excluded under the Act to agree to the allotment plan.


Thereafter, the stream flows some 4 km in the valley separating the suburbs Akalla-Hjulsta and Tensta-Rinkeby and where are several rural structures including an ecological farm (Hästa Gård), eight allotment-gardens, and some minor overgrown wetlands.

Lotsee Patterson

Patterson was born in 1931 and raised in southwestern Oklahoma, on a Native American land allotment near the town of Apache, Oklahoma.

Muskogee County, Oklahoma

Pleasant Porter (1840-1907), principal chief of the Creek Nation, negotiated the allotment treaty with the Dawes Commission.

Piddington and Wheeler End

The parish council administers the common land in both villages including three popular allotment sites - and is responsible for the war memorial at Wheeler End.

Roger Deakin

He also made several television documentary films covering subjects as diverse as rock music, Essex, Hank Wangford, allotments and the world of horse racing.

Roy Porter

He retired in September 2001, moving to the Sussex coast, where he wanted to learn to play the saxophone, cultivate his allotment and engage in some travelling.

Sayonara Technopolis

Aira owns an allotment of land on the Moon, and the single's cover uses NASA-licensed images.


The IT park is the largest IT park in Asia about 30 km on OMR from Chennai City, in the Cyber Corridor for allotment of land to IT Companies, who wish to build their own campuses.

Urban homesteading

Having an allotment or vegetable garden has been common throughout history, notably, victory gardens during the WW1 and WWII eras, immigrant gardens, the Integral Urban House, and the inner-city community gardening movement in the 1970s.

see also