
unusual facts about Almoravid


Following a general rout of Almoravid forces throughout Morocco and Algeria, Abd al-Mu'min entered Aghmāt without a fight on the middle day of Muharram 541 (27 June 1146).

Muño Alfonso

In that year an Almoravid army under Farax, governor of Calatrava, and Ali, governor of San Esteban, penetrated the Tajo valley and captured the then governor of Toledo, Gutierre Armíldez, at Alamín near Escalona, and killed him.

Quart de Poblet

They are made in commemoration of the battle the Cid fought against the troops Almoravids under the leadership of Muhammad, nephew of the emir of northern Africa Tashfin ibn Yusuf, on the Plain of Quart that led to the release of Valencia from Muslim threats of that time for a brief period, in addition to being the first defeat of the Almoravid army in the peninsula from Christian hands.


But the regions return to Christianity lasted for a short time; in 1095, with the advance of the Almoravid forces, led by Yusuf ibn Tashfin, Count Raymond of Galicia was defeated in battle, resulting in the Arab-Christian frontier advancing from the Tagus River to the Mondego.

see also