
unusual facts about Almoravids


Abd al-Rahman of Morocco

The Agdal Gardens of Marrakesh, an irrigated garden, originally established by the Almoravids in the 12th century and enlarged in the days of the Saadians was revamped, reforested and encircled by ramparts during the reign of Mulai Abd al-Rahman.

Battle of Consuegra

The Battle of Consuegra was a battle of the Spanish Reconquista fought on August 15, 1097 near the village of Consuegra in the province of Castile-La Mancha between the Castilian and Leonese army of Alfonso VI and the Almoravids under Yusuf ibn Tashfin.

García Ordóñez

More probably she was from southern France, being the daughter of Almanricus, viscount of Rochechouart and one of those French barons who had answered Alfonso VI's international call for aid against the Almoravids following the Battle of Sagrajas (1086).

Ksibet El Mediouni

Its origins are thought to be linked to the establishment of an observation post of the Almoravids to control Christian incursion on this part of the Tunisian coast.

Sisnando Davides

According to Ramón Menéndez Pidal, if Sisnando's far-sighted advice had been heeded, the disaster of the Almoravids and the failure of Alfonso's empire to survive his death could have been averted.

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