
3 unusual facts about Aloysius Stepinac

Esther Gitman

with the subject of rescues and survival of Jews in Independent State of Croatia and also about the role of Cardinal Aloysius Stepinac in these matters.


Krašić is the birthplace of the late Croatian Cardinal Blessed Aloysius Stepinac.

St. Jerome Croatian Catholic Church

Other special events were the organization of a concert where guests from Samobor, Croatia put on a wonderful performance, the promotion of newly released books written by parishioners, a banquet and short program commemorating the 100th anniversary of the birth of Aloysius Stepinac, where Monsignor Juraj Batelja and Bishop Franjo Komarica from Zagreb honored the parish with their powerful presence for this special occasion.

Archbishop Stepinac High School

It was founded in 1948 and named for Blessed Aloysius Stepinac, who was archbishop of Zagreb, Croatia (then part of Yugoslavia) at the time and unfairly convicted by communists as Nazi collaborator.

Cyrus Leo Sulzberger II

Sulzberger won a special Pulitzer Prize in 1951 citing "his exclusive interview with Archbishop Stepinac"—Aloysius Stepinac, Archbishop of Zagreb.

Pope John Paul II's relations with the Eastern Orthodox Church

In 1998, he beatified Aloysius Stepinac, the Croatian war-time Archbishop of Zagreb, a move seen negatively by those who believe that he was an active collaborator with the Ustaše fascist regime, which committed genocide against Serbs as well as Jews.

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