
unusual facts about Alphabetical order

Alphabetical order

So "The Shining" is considered "Shining" or "Shining, The" when alphabetizing and therefore is ordered before "Summer of Sam".

see also

Anglo-Saxon poetic line

Eduard Sievers created type-lines based on the metrical patterns that he saw in Old English poetry, and named them in alphabetical order according to the most frequently used.


List of bagpipers, a list of notable bagpipers by types of bagpipes in alphabetical order

Graphical system design

For example, tools that can be used in the design phase include (in alphabetical order): Ansoft Designer, AutoCAD, CarSim, DOORS, Dymola, LabVIEW, MSC.Adams, NI Multisim, NEi Nastran, SolidWorks, SPICE, OpenWire (library).

Ivano-Frankivsk Oblast

The oblast has 15 cities which are (alphabetical order): Bolekhiv, Burshtyn, Dolyna, Halych, Horodenka, Ivano-Frankivsk, Kalush, Kolomyia, Kosiv, Nadvirna, Rohatyn, Sniatyn, Tlumach, Tysmenytsia, and Yaremche.

Jenna Lewis

Lewis was later voted off the island by three contestants who had an alliance and by Sean Kenniff, who was voting based on alphabetical order.

Leander Perez

Elections under Perez's reign were sometimes blatantly falsified, with voting records appearing in alphabetical order and names of national celebrities such as Babe Ruth, Charlie Chaplin, and Herbert Hoover appearing on the rolls.

Monthly Film Bulletin

From January 1971, all films were listed in alphabetical order, mainly because a new wave of critics who were influencing the magazine had already overturned the assumptions implicit in the separation of films (for example, several by Sergio Leone and many from the stable of Roger Corman were only included in the "shorter notices" section).

PCI eXtensions for Instrumentation

PXI is promoted by the 54-member PXI Systems Alliance (PXISA), whose sponsor members are (in alphabetical order) ADLINK, Aeroflex, Agilent Technologies, Geotest, Gigatronics, National Instruments, Pickering Interfaces and Teradyne.

Recorded vote

If the "Yeas and Nays" are granted and are about to happen, then a Clerk proceeds to call the Roll of Senators in alphabetical order.

Sicilian Questions

Other important philosophers and thinkers in the Sicilian Questions referred to are, in alphabetical order, Alexander of Aphrodisias, Anaxagoras, Berosus, Crates, Diogenes, Euclid, Al-Farabi, Galen, Al-Ghazali, Al-Hallaj, Ibn Bajja (Avempace) Ibn Sina (Avicenna), Iamblichus, Mellow, Parmenides, Pythagoras, Plato, Socrates, Themistius, Theophrastus, and Zeno of Elea.

Stuart Bailey

In Alphabetical Order: File Under: Graphic Design, Schools, or Werkplaats Typografie, by Paul Elliman, Anthony Froshaug, Melle Hammer, Robin Kinross, Norman Potter and Stuart Bailey (editor), 2003, NAi Publishers.

The World of Beachcomber

Readings from the lists of Huntingdonshire Cabmen, wherein Michael Redgrave solemnly walked to a lectern, donned his reading glasses and read the names, in alphabetical order, with great seriousness, as one might read the names of the dead at a war memorial.

Westport, Massachusetts

Companies that provide wireless service to the Westport area include (in alphabetical order) AT&T, Sprint, T-Mobile, and Verizon Wireless.