
5 unusual facts about Alprazolam

Ahmed al-Gizawi

Saudi officials said that al-Gizawi had been arrested at the King Abdulaziz International Airport near Jeddah on 17 April for possession of 21,000 Xanax anti-anxiety pills, which are banned in the country.


Alprazolam, a psychiatric medication, available under brand names including Kalma

Leslie Carter

While not attributing a cause of death, a Chautauqua County police incident report and supplemental "Overdose Follow Up" report said Carter, identified by her married name of Leslie B. Ashton, had suffered an overdose and was taking the prescription medications Olanzapine, Cyclobenzaprine (muscle relaxer) and Alprazolam (Xanax).

Nashville Rhythm

The next morning, paramedics were called to Anthony's residence, by Anthony's sister-in-law Susan Bucher, to treat her after either a fall down the stairs or a dog bite or mixing alcohol with the anxiety-relieving drug Xanax, depending on the story she gave at the time.

Oleg Gordievsky

In Gordievsky's opinion, the culprit was a UK-based Russian business associate who had supplied him with pills, which he said were the sedative Xanax, purportedly for insomnia; he refused to identify the associate, saying British authorities had advised against it.


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