19 ABQ RIDE routes stop in the ATC's northern complex, while the 66, 766, and 777 routes stop on 1st street and Central Ave. the SunVan paratransit service operated by ABQ RIDE, The New Mexico Park and Ride Turquoise Route that connects to Edgewood and Moriarty, and the Rio Metro Rail Runner shuttles also utilize bus bays in the northern complex.
World Trade Center | center | Kennedy Space Center | Walker Art Center | United States Department of Transportation | Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars | Marshall Space Flight Center | Rockefeller Center | Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center | Goddard Space Flight Center | Bombardier Transportation | Georgia World Congress Center | Staples Center | Southern Pacific Transportation Company | Department of Transportation | Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts | Tanglewood Music Center | National Transportation Safety Board | National Center for Biotechnology Information | John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts | CSX Transportation | Center for Constitutional Rights | New York City Department of Transportation | Georgetown University Law Center | Art Center College of Design | Transportation Security Administration | Southern Poverty Law Center | George C. Marshall European Center for Security Studies | Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center | University of Pittsburgh Medical Center |