Chuck Murdock, a 12-year-old boy from Montana, the son of a military jet pilot, becomes anxious after seeing a Minuteman missile on a school field trip, which is intensified by a nightmare of a fork dropping after being told that the speed and effectivess would be done "before a dropped fork hits the floor".
Amazing Grace and Chuck is a 1987 film starring Gregory Peck, Jamie Lee Curtis and William Petersen.
Smith's agent, Lynn (Jamie Lee Curtis) is unsure about what he hopes to accomplish but decides to support him and Chuck.
Smith, a fictional Boston Celtics player, played by NBA star Alex English, catches a blurb about the story in his newspaper and decides to emulate Chuck, saying he will no longer participate in professional basketball unless there are no more nuclear weapons.
Chuck Berry | Chuck Norris | The Amazing Race | Chuck Jones | Grace Jones | Chuck | Amazing Grace | Chuck (TV series) | Grace Kelly | Will & Grace | Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat | Chuck D | Chuck Schumer | Three Days Grace | Chuck Close | Grace Under Fire (TV series) | Grace Under Fire | Chuck Grassley | Chuck Liddell | Chuck Connors | Amazing Stories | The Amazing Race (U.S. TV series) | Havre de Grace, Maryland | Grace Moore | Chuck Hagel | Grace | Chuck Yeager | W. G. Grace | The Amazing Spider-Man | Chuck Palahniuk |