The AG management used to receive weekly ideological feeds from Chiron Morpheus, which were used as flyers and repurposed in the club’s programming by Valentino Kanzyani’s AG Music Direction department, MC Flasher’s AG Performance & Outreach division, Denis Papic’s AG Ministry of Information.
In 1998, the IRWIN group introduced the official flag of Ambasada Gavioli as a visual manifestation of its temporary state ideology.
In 1994 works began on what developed to be the maestro’s life masterpiece, combining feel of the local cultures with stories of Jean Baudelaire, Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, Romeo and Juliet. Due to its significance, the IRWIN artist group, part of Neue Slowenische Kunst movement, suggested the name of the new venue to be Ambasada Gavioli (Embassy of Gavioli).