
unusual facts about American Ex-Prisoners of War

Algeria–United States relations

In August 2005, then-Chairman of the United States Senate Committee on Foreign Relations, Senator Richard G. Lugar, led a Presidential Mission to Algeria and Morocco to oversee the release of the remaining 404 Moroccan prisoners of war held by the Polisario Front in Algeria.

Bataan Day

The majority of these prisoners of war had their belongings confiscated before being forced to endure the infamous 140 kilometre (90 mile) Bataan Death March to Camp O'Donnell in Capas, Tarlac.

Candy Jones

Again with the USO, Jones visited South Vietnam in 1970; she later suspected her visit had some connection to a disastrous attempt to free American prisoners of war from North Vietnam.

Capture card

a card that prisoners of war have the right to fill out, pursuant to Article 70 of the Third Geneva Convention, to notify their respective families and the central prisoners of war agency that they have been captured.

Charles Domery

The prison commander brought his unusual captive to the attention of The Commissioners for taking Care of Sick and Wounded Seamen and for the Care and Treatment of Prisoners of War, the body then responsible for all medical services in the Royal Navy and for overseeing the welfare of prisoners of war.

Chenogne massacre

The Chenogne massacre refers to a mass execution committed on New Year's Day, January 1, 1945, where German prisoners of war were killed by American forces near the village of Chenogne (also spelled "Chegnogne"), Belgium, thought to be in retaliation for the Malmedy massacre.

Conflict: Desert Storm

From there, the squad carries out various missions, such as rescuing the Emir of Kuwait, engaging Iraqi forces in the Battle of Khafji, destroying Iraqi SCUD missile systems, rescuing prisoners of war from Baghdad, and leading an advance element of U.S. cavalry in a fight with the Tawalkana Division of the Iraqi Republican Guard.

Edinburgh Correctional Facility

During World War II, Camp Atterbury served as a detention center for prisoners of war.

Ewell Ross McCright

Ewell Ross McCright, (4 December 1917 - 24 April 1990) of Benton, Saline County, Arkansas was a captain in the United States Air Force during World War II who was famous for maintaining secret journals detailing information about fellow prisoners of war while held captive in a German prison camp.

Excalibur Estate

To quickly alleviate this problem, London, like many other British cities set about building temporary prefabricated houses using labour from German and Italian prisoners of war from the Afrika Korps captured during Rommel's North African Campaign.

First Geneva Convention

The movement for an international set of laws governing the treatment and care for the wounded and prisoners of war began when relief activist Henri Dunant witnessed the Battle of Solferino in 1859, fought between French-Piedmontese and Austrian armies in Northern Italy.

Florida Department of Veterans Affairs

They include American Ex-Prisoners of War, American Legion, American Red Cross, Blinded Veterans Association, Fleet Reserve Association, Jewish War Veterans, Marine Corps League, National Association of County Veteran Service Officers, Non-Commissioned Officers Association, The Retired Enlisted Association, Veterans of World War I of the USA (Family Members) and Vietnam Veterans of America.

Hermann Pister

Pister was arrested by the Americans in 1945; put on trial for war crimes by the American Military Tribunal at Dachau with 30 other defendants where he was charged with participation in a "common plan" to violate the Laws and Usages of war of the Hague Convention of 1907 and the third Geneva Convention of 1929, in regard to the rights of Prisoners of War.


The decree stated that escaped Allied prisoners of war, especially officers and senior non-commissioned officers, should be handed over to the Sicherheitsdienst who should execute them, "im Rahmen der Aktion Kugel", in concentration camp Mauthausen.


After the Austrian Anschluss to Nazi Germany, beginning in 1941 the Malta Valley was the site of a labour camp where deported prisoners of war originating from the Soviet Union were forced to work in a granite quarry supplying a Reichsautobahn construction site in nearby Spittal an der Drau (the present-day Tauern Autobahn).

Mass graves in Chechnya

According to a spokesman for the Kremlin aide Sergei Yastrzhembsky, the victims appeared to have been prisoners of war or kidnapping victims killed during the First Chechen War and all appeared to have been shot in the head and then beheaded.


In World War II it was responsible for obtaining information from enemy prisoners of war.

Other Losses

Other Losses is a 1989 book by Canadian writer James Bacque, in which Bacque alleges that U.S. General Dwight Eisenhower intentionally caused the deaths by starvation or exposure of around a million German prisoners of war held in Western internment camps briefly after the Second World War.

Rafael Ileto

On January 30, 1945, Lt. Ileto with the Alamo Scouts under the command of Lt. Col. Henry Mucci, successfully rescued 516 Prisoners of War held by the Imperial Japanese Army's POW Camp in Cabanatuan, Nueva Ecija.

Seavey's Island

In 1908, the Portsmouth Naval Prison was completed on the southern side of Seavey's Island at the former site of Camp Long, a stockade named for Secretary of the Navy John Long, where 1,612 prisoners of war from the Battle of Santiago de Cuba were confined from July 11 to mid-September 1898 during the Spanish-American War.


Some plants are in reality inmates or prisoners of war who have been promised better treatment and conditions in return for helping with the interrogation; the character played by William Hurt in the film Kiss of the Spider Woman is an example of this.

Stavanger Airport, Forus

Work at Forus commenced on 21 April, originally by putting 350 Norwegian prisoners of war to work, in violation with the Hague Convention.

United Nations Security Council Resolution 968

The release of prisoners of war on 12 November 1994 in Khorugh was welcomed and further confidence-building measures were called for.

see also