
4 unusual facts about Mass graves in Chechnya

Mass graves in Chechnya

According to a spokesman for the Kremlin aide Sergei Yastrzhembsky, the victims appeared to have been prisoners of war or kidnapping victims killed during the First Chechen War and all appeared to have been shot in the head and then beheaded.

In Chechnya, mass graves containing hundreds of corpses have been uncovered since the beginning of the Chechen wars in 1994.

March 3, 2002: ABC reported that the Chechen rebels said they found a mass grave containing more than 20 bodies of civilians in a grain silo in the town of Argun, of whom they recovered three.

According to eyewitnesses, they decided to go public about the mass grave only after an official investigation of the mass grave in Grozny began in June, the wounded were finished-off by sniper and the bodies were then collected by the military and buried together with their smashed vehicles in an enormous pit on the territory of an asphalt factory.

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