
unusual facts about American Life

It's So Cool

The song was originally titled "Cool Song" and written by Madonna, Mirwais Ahmadzaï and Monte Pittman for the 2003 studio album American Life.

Originally titled "Cool Song", the song was recorded in 2002 for her ninth studio album American Life and written by Madonna, Mirwais Ahmadzaï and Monte Pittman.

see also

A Morning Stroll

The film is loosely based on an event in True Tales of American Life by American author Paul Auster.

Aaron Norris

In 2009, he produced the Sony/Screen Gems film, Not Easily Broken, and currently is the "president of development and production" of ALN, formerly The American Life Network.

American Berserk

According to Adams, “the title, from Philip Roth, hints at the darker, manic edge of American life evoked in his novel, American Pastoral.

Amicable numbers

Paul Auster's collection of short stories entitled True Tales of American Life contains a story ('Mathematical Aphrodisiac' by Alex Galt) in which amicable numbers play an important role.

Apache Youth Ministry

Basketball is a big part of the Native American life in Whitewater, and because of this in 2003 AYM began a ministry through basketball called Hoops on the Rez.

Casein paint

Santa Clara Pueblo artist Pablita Velarde created a series of more than 70 paintings of everyday Native American life in New Mexico for Bandelier National Monument between 1937 and 1943, painted mostly on masonite using casein paints.

David Brion Davis

Davis’s students have honored him with two festschrifts, Moral Problems in American Life (1998), edited by Karen Halttunen and Lewis Perry, and The Problem of Evil: Slavery, Freedom, and the Ambiguities of Reform (2007), edited by Steven Mintz and John Stauffer.

E. M. Broner

Her musical, “Higginson: An American Life,” premiered June 17, 2005, by the Michigan Opera Theatre (Broner, book & lyrics; Mort Zieve, music).

Fiona Maazel

Maazel's work has appeared in publications including The New York Times Book Review, The New York Times, Tin House, Bomb, Fence, The Mississippi Review, Conjunctions, The Common, The Yale Review, Anthem, The Village Voice, N+1, This American Life, Selected Shorts, and on salon.com.

Jean Edward Smith

Lucius D. Clay: An American Life, New York: Henry Holt and Company, 1990 (ISBN 080500999X).

Joel Peckham

His work, out of the tradition of Neo-Romantic and Open-Form 20th Century Poets such as James Dickey and Allen Ginsberg employs a Whitmanesque line to explore the limits of empathy and communication in American Life.

M. Elizabeth Osborn

Seattle-based playwright Keri Healey is the 2013 Osborn Award winner, honored for her play Torso. Darren Canady, an assistant professor at the University of Kansas (KU), received the award in 2012 for his play about rural African-American life, Brothers of the Dust.

Maghreb Association of North America

The Maghreb Association of North America (MANA), also called Assembly of the Maghreb is an North African-American organization Chicago-based whose goal is help new immigrants from Maghreb (North Africa) to adapt to American life and maintain, in turn, the principles of Sunni Islam.

Michael Lesy

His books, which combine historical photographs with his own writing, include Wisconsin Death Trip (1973), Bearing Witness: A Photographic Chronicle of American Life (1982), Visible Light (1985), Murder City: The Bloody History of Chicago in the Twenties (2007), and Repast: Dining Out at the Dawn of the New American Century with Lisa Stoffer (2013).

Michel M. Liès

He joined Swiss Re in 1978, focusing on Latin American Life & Health markets.

Middletown studies

Critics of American culture, such as H.L. Mencken and Sinclair Lewis, author of Babbitt, cited the Middletown studies as examples of the banality and shallowness of American life.

Mr. and Mrs. America

Mr. and Mrs. America contains a series of pre-taped messages from leading figures in American life, including Franklin D. Roosevelt, the presidents of the AFL, CIO, US Chamber of Commerce, and Secretary of the Treasury Henry Morgenthau, Jr..

R. Carlyle Buley

He also won the Elizur Wright Award for The American Life Convention: Study in the History of Life Insurance.

Saffron Sky

"This lyrical memoir evinces the author's passion for constructing an American life with the spiritual fervor and deeply aesthetic rituals that were part of her childhood in Iran. Asayesh, who immigrated to North Carolina as a girl, writes too of her struggle to arrive at an acceptable sexuality in the face of parental panic, and tells of her frustration, during later trips to post-Shah Iran, with "the sisters," the Ayatollah's ubiquitous enforcers of female modesty."

Shadow and Act

The writings encompass the two decades which began with Ellison's involvement with African American political activism and print media in Harlem, Ellison's emergence as a highly acclaimed writer with the publication of Invisible Man, and culminating with his 1964 challenge of Irving Howe's characterization of African American life, "Black Boys and Native Sons," with his now famous essay, "The World and the Jug."

Stephen Foster Memorial

The Stephen Foster Memorial serves as the home for the Society for American Music and the University of Pittsburgh's Center for American's Music which encompasses a research library, archive and museum dedicated to expanding and documenting knowledge of American music and its role in American life.

Strauss–Howe generational theory

In 1991, Jonathan Alter wrote in Newsweek that Generations was a “provocative, erudite and engaging analysis of the rhythms of American life.”

The American Seasons

First is his piece for violin and orchestra, "The American Seasons" loosely structurally based upon Vivaldi's "The Four Seasons", and is conceptually a piece on American life, grounded in American folk music.

The New Press

The New Press publishes about 50 titles each year, ranging from national bestsellers such as Studs Terkel's Race, Peter Irons's May It Please the Court, and James Loewen's Lies My Teacher Told Me to smaller but significant titles such as East to America: Korean American Life Stories and Dismantling Desegregation: The Quiet Reversal of Brown v. Board of Education.

We Gotta Get out of This Place: Popular Conservatism and Postmodern Culture

We Gotta Get out of This Place: Popular Conservatism and Postmodern Culture by Lawrence Grossberg was published in 1992 and deals with several aspects of (then) contemporary American culture: Lawrence Grossberg states that it is a book about “the political, economic and cultural forces which are producing a new atmosphere, a new kind of dissatisfaction and a new conservatism in American life”.

Where's Dick?

The opera is satire on 1980s American life and tabloid journalism and follows the experiences of Junior ("an all-American boy") who in reaction to the crime and corruption he sees around him searches for the detective hero Dick Tracy.

William Greaves

Since then, Greaves has produced numerous works, including From These Roots, Nationtime: Gary, Where Dreams Come True, Booker T.Washington: Life and Legacy, Frederick Douglass: An American Life, Black Power in America: Myth or Reality?, The Deep North, and Ida B. Wells: An American Odyssey, which was narrated by Nobel Prize in Literature and Pulitzer Prize winning author Toni Morrison.