Most recently she was honored (jointly with her husband) with a Festschrift entitled Hungary Through the Centuries: Studies in Honor of Professors Steven Béla Várdy and Agnes Huszár Várdy, The book was edited by Professor Richard P. Mulcahy of the University of Pittsburgh, with the collaboration of Drs.
In 2006 Musgrave was honoured with a Festschrift: Rationality and Reality: Conversations with Alan Musgrave, edited by Colin Cheyne & John Worrall (Springer).
Essays in honour of Anna G. Jónasdóttir, Örebro University Press, 2008
Gerdes is the editor of The Journal of Experimental Fiction, issues of which are usually Festschrifts on a single writer (e.g. John Barth, Raymond Federman, Harold Jaffe).
A Festschrift in his honor (Ancient and Modern: Essays in Honor of Gerald F. Else, ed. J. D'Arms and J. W. Eadie) was published in 1977.
Additionally, Ronald Nash edited a Festschrift The Philosophy of Gordon H. Clark (Philadelphia: Presbyterian and Reformed, 1968), which presented a summary of Clark's thought (viz., the Wheaton lectures mentioned above), critiques by several authors, and rejoinders by Clark.
Kaufman was an ordained minister in the Mennonite Church for 50 years, and he was also the subject of two Festschriften.
A Festschrift was published in his honor: The Urban Face of Mission: Ministering the Gospel in a Diverse and Changing World (ISBN 087552401X).
A Festschrift, Essays in Honor of J. Dwight Pentecost, has been written.
Fishman was honored in 1991 by two publications to celebrate his 65th birthday, each filled with articles by colleagues that followed his interests.
A Festschrift in his honor was published in 1995, Miguel Mendez in Aztlan: Two Decades of Literary Production.
In 1969, his students presented Professor Mladenović with a Festschrift to commemorate his 65th birthday.
In 2007, he was made CBE and a Festschrift in his honour (Maieusis: Essays in Ancient Philosophy in Honour of Myles Burnyeat) was published.
The term "pleiotropie" was coined in a 1910 Festschrift written by the German geneticist Ludwig Plate, a former student of Ernst Haeckel.
In H. Gundlach (Ed.), Psychologische Forschung und Methode: Das Versprechen des Experiments. Festschrift für Werner Traxel (pp. 53-87).
He has contributed to or edited several volumes, including Jerusalem and Athens (a Festschrift for Cornelius Van Til), Redemptive History and Biblical Interpretation; The Shorter Writings of Geerhardus Vos (editor), Biblical Principles & Business: The Foundations, Theonomy: A Reformed Critique, and the English translation of Reformed Dogmatics by Geerhardus Vos.
On the occasion of his sixty-fifth birthday he was honored with a Festschrift, Theologia et Apologia: Essays in Reformation Theology and its Defense Presented to Rod Rosenbladt (Eugene, OR: Wipf & Stock, 2007).
On the occasion of his 75th birthday, Professors Karl Menges and Nelly Naumann prepared a Festschrift highlighting his career and including articles on Altaic languages.
An excerpt from The Splendid Century appeared first in Essays Presented to Charles Williams, a volume edited by his brother as an informal Festschrift to benefit Williams' widow.
A collection of 34 papers written by scholars from Russia, China, Japan and other countries was published as a Festschrift with the same title.
Among her honors, are an honorary DLitt by the University of Brighton (2000), UK, for services to lexicography and linguistics; a festschrift (2002) published by EURALEX to mark her contribution to international lexicography, and an honorary DLitt by the University of Pretoria (2008) for significant contributions to the development of lexicographic practices worldwide and in particular for the African languages in South Africa.
A festschrift in his honour was held after his retirement, and published in 1990 as Ideas across cultures: essays on Chinese thought in honor of Benjamin I. Schwarz (ISBN 978-0-674-44225-2) and published by the Harvard University Asia Center.
A festschrift entitle The Way of Wisdom: Essays in Honor of Bruce K. Waltke (Zondervan, 2000; ISBN 0-310-22728-3) was edited by J. I. Packer and Sven K. Soderlund.
Davis’s students have honored him with two festschrifts, Moral Problems in American Life (1998), edited by Karen Halttunen and Lewis Perry, and The Problem of Evil: Slavery, Freedom, and the Ambiguities of Reform (2007), edited by Steven Mintz and John Stauffer.
Stefan Lehmann: Olympia, das Grab des Koroibos und die Altertumswissenschaften in Halle, In: Institut für Sportgeschichte der Deutschen Sporthochschule Köln und Carl und Liselott Diem-Archiv (Herausgeber): Olympisch bewegt, Festschrift zum 60.
Polder: A Festschrift For John Clute and Judith Clute (Baltimore: Old Earth Books, 2006)
In 2006, he compiled and edited the book, Essays in Honour of AJ Kerr, a festschrift honouring Kerr's contribution to legal academia in South Africa.
A parody, Interplanetary Journal of Comic Art: A Festschrift in Honor of John Lent, edited by Michael Rhode and including a back cover by Ralph Steadman, was presented to Lent for his 70th birthday.
In an introduction to a Festschrift published in Russell's honor in 1999 under the title Liberating Eschatology, fellow Yale Divinity School theologians Margaret Farley and Serene Jones called Russell's influence on contemporary theology "monumental" and wrote of her "uncanny ability to articulate a vision of the church that is radical in its feminist-liberationist critique but that nonetheless remains anchored in the historic traditions and communities of the Christian church."
From 1960 until 1961 he was a pupil of G.E.M. de Ste Croix, to whose festschrift, Crux, he contributed not only an essay but also a six-line poem in Greek which appears on p.
Neville's theology is critically engaged by numerous authors in a festschrift entitled, Theology in Global Context: Essays in Honor of Robert Cummings Neville (2004), edited by Amos Yong and Peter Heltzela.
In 2012, the Catholic University of America Press published a festschrift in his honor Canon law, religion, and politics: Liber amicorum Robert Somerville, edited by his former students Uta-Renate Blumenthal and Anders Winroth, and also by Peter Landau.
Destrez, L’outillage des copistes du XIIIe et du XIVe siècles, in Aus der Geisteswelt des Mittelalters, Martin Grabmann festschrift, 1935, 19–34
A festschrift in his honor was published as Creativity and Tradition in Folklore: New Directions edited by Simon J. Bronner (1992).