
7 unusual facts about American Management Association

Adirondack Cottage Sanitarium

The property was sold by Trudeau's grandson, Dr. Francis B. Trudeau, Jr., to the American Management Association in 1957.

Brian Blume

The Blumes brought in three outside directors from the AMA to increase the Board of Directors to six: a lawyer from a large Milwaukee firm, a personnel officer from a Milwaukee area company, and an owner of a company that made medical equipment, none of whom knew anything about gaming but always voted with the Blumes.

Cuno Pümpin

Since the 1970s Pümpin has been a well-known lecturer at international congresses and seminars such as the World Economic Forum, and the ISC in St. Gallen, and also Management Center Europe, which is now a part of the American Management Association.

Jan Carlzon

The American Management Association, in their 75th anniversary issue of their magazine in 1998 called this one of the most important developments in management of the 20th century.

Richard F. Ericson

Dr. Ericson was a member of Phi Beta Kappa, Beta Gamma Sigma, American Economic Association, American Management Association, Society for General Systems Research, American Cybernetics Association, The Academy of Management, the American Association for the Advancement of Science, and the World Future Society.

Suresh Kumar

Kumar has also served on the Board and councils of several organizations, including World Self-Medication Industry (WSMI), the American Management Association (AMA), the Association of National Advertisers (ANA), Consumer Healthcare Products Association (CHPA) and the Thunderbird School of Global Management.

Training simulation

The first commercially available training simulation was in 1956, and was called The Top Management Decision Game, and was created by the American Management Association.

see also