The Blumes brought in three outside directors from the AMA to increase the Board of Directors to six: a lawyer from a large Milwaukee firm, a personnel officer from a Milwaukee area company, and an owner of a company that made medical equipment, none of whom knew anything about gaming but always voted with the Blumes.
Gygax persuaded Lorraine Williams to invest in TSR, and hired her to manage the company.
For instance, Rary was a low-level wizard created by Brian Blume and played only until he reached 3rd-level, at which point Blume retired him, having reached his objective, which was to be able to introduce his character as "Medium Rary".
In 1980, she did the design and layout of Brian Blume's The Rogues Gallery (which included her own D&D character Ceatitle).
Brian Eno | Brian Mulroney | Brian May | Brian Wilson | Brian Ferneyhough | Hugh O'Brian | Brian Williams | Brian Stableford | Brian Aldiss | Brian | What About Brian | Brian Clough | Brian Stokes Mitchell | Brian Lara | Brian De Palma | Brian Dennehy | Brian Michael Bendis | Brian Lenihan | Brian Cox | Brian Boru | Patrick O'Brian | Brian Setzer | Brian McKnight | Brian Evenson | Brian Culbertson | Brian Cox (actor) | Brian Aherne | Brian Sibley | Brian Keith | Brian Jones |