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The banana split pie appears to have originated in the American Midwest, and to have been created by Janet Winquest, a 16 year-old resident of Holdrege, Nebraska, today still an isolated rural community that counted 5,500 residents during the 2010 census.
It was the forerunner of the Appeal to Reason, which later became a weekly political newspaper published in the American Midwest from 1895 until 1922.
He lists several notable ones around the world including the BosWash corridor which encompasses Boston, New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, and Washington D.C, and ChiPitts which contains the major cities in the American Midwest.
Achnatherum robustum, the sleepy grass, a perennial plant species found on dry soil in the American Midwest
Afterward, Iannelli collaborated with noted Chicago area Prairie School design architects Purcell and Elmslie, notably on the Woodbury County Courthouse, and with architect Barry Byrne for several church projects in the American Midwest, and one in Ireland.
Midwest Living magazine, published by Meredith, is a regional publication that celebrates the richness of life in the American Midwest.
Out of the Ozarks is the title of a 1988 book by Pulitzer Prize-nominated journalist William Childress, about his life and experiences in the rural American midwest region known as the Ozarks.
During the early 1800s, express wagons filled with oysters crossed the Allegheny Mountains to reach the American Midwest.
This film was shot on location in Columbia State Historic Park, California, which means that the buildings have a somewhat authentic period look, but the landscape looks almost nothing like the lower American Midwest.