
unusual facts about Ammonium Nitrate

17 cm mittlerer Minenwerfer

Furthermore, the low velocity allowed for the use of explosives like Ammonium Nitrate-Carbon that were less shock-resistant than TNT, which was in short supply.


pH 7.5-8.4 is ideal with an almost pristine (near 0 ppm) Ammonia and Ammonium Nitrite content, Ammonium Nitrate levels are controlled by water changes as needed to maintain these demanding levels.

Shaher Elsohemy

He was given legal immunity to "knowingly facilitate a terrorist activity" and asked to help the accused acquire credit cards and purchase ammonium nitrate from disguised police officers, and to facilitate the storage of the explosive fertilizer in a Newmarket warehouse.

see also

MV Pacific Mariner

During rough seas created by Cyclone Hamish 230 tonnes of fuel oil, 30 tonnes of other fuel and 31 shipping containers (620 tonnes) of ammonium nitrate spilled into the Coral Sea, off the coast from Cape Moreton.