
unusual facts about ammonium

Urine anion gap

Usually the most important unmeasured ion in urine is


Ammonium perchlorate | Ammonium | Ammonium metavanadate | Ammonium heptamolybdate | ammonium |

Ammonium ferric citrate

Ammonium ferric citrate is present in Scottish carbonated soft drink Irn-Bru.

Ammonium vanadate

Ammonium metavanadate (ammonium trioxovanadate(V)), NH4VO3

Chambal Fertilisers

The Company dealers provide Urea and other agri-inputs like DAP (Di-Ammonium Phosphate), MOP (Murate of Potash), SSP(Single Super Phosphate), pesticides and seeds.


Amino Acids such as proline accumulate in halophytic Brassica species, quaternary ammonium bases such as Glycine Betaine and sugars have been shown to act in this role within halophytic members of Chenopodiaceae and members of Asteraceae show the build up of cyclites and soluble sugars.


Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen or TKN is the sum of organic nitrogen, ammonia (NH3) and ammonium (NH4+) in the chemical analysis of soils.

MV Pacific Mariner

During rough seas created by Cyclone Hamish 230 tonnes of fuel oil, 30 tonnes of other fuel and 31 shipping containers (620 tonnes) of ammonium nitrate spilled into the Coral Sea, off the coast from Cape Moreton.


The synthesis of benzonitrile by Hermann Fehling in 1844, by heating ammonium benzoate, was the first method yielding enough of the substance for chemical research.


n-alkyl-dimethyl benzyl ammonium chloride is also used in some disinfecting products such as wipes including those made by companies such as Clorox.


Racemization by Walden inversion may be restricted (such as ammonium or phosphonium cations), or slow.


Wöhler synthesis, the chemical reaction in which ammonium cyanate is converted into urea

see also