In 1996, the band distributed a five song demotape, and in April 1997 released an EP entitled Amusing the Amazing through the record label Malicious Vinyl.
The Amazing Race | Amazing Grace | Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat | Amazing Stories | The Amazing Race (U.S. TV series) | The Amazing Spider-Man | The Amazing Race 20 | The Amazing ZigZag Concert | The Amazing Spiez! | Amazing Blondel | The Amazing Spider-Man (2012 film) | The Amazing Race 4 | The Amazing Race 18 | The Amazing Race 12 | The Amazing World of Gumball | The Amazing Race (US TV series) | The Amazing Race Norge | The Amazing Race Australia | The Amazing Race Asia 2 | The Amazing Race 5 | The Amazing Race 21 | The Amazing Race 15 | The Amazing Mr. X | The Amazing Criswell | Astounding Sounds, Amazing Music | Amusing the Amazing | Amusing Ourselves to Death | Amazing Stories (TV series) | Amazing Love | Amazing Grace (2006 film) |