Originally produced as a television mini-series, the film, as with Frame's autobiographies, is divided into three sections, with the lead role played by three different actresses who portray Frame at different stages of her life: Karen Fergusson (child), Alexia Keogh (adolescent) and Kerry Fox (adult).
The film not only established Jane Campion as an emerging director and launched the career of Kerry Fox, but it also introduced a broader audience to Janet Frame's writing.
Angel | Angel (TV series) | Touched by an Angel | C.D. Luis Ángel Firpo | angel | Table Mountain | Luis Ángel Firpo | Criss Angel | Morbid Angel | World Table Tennis Championships | Big D and the Kids Table | angel shark | Miguel Ángel González | Miguel Ángel Asturias | Evil Angel | Round Table | Angel of the Morning | Angel Locsin | SV Angel | periodic table | Miguel Ángel Rodríguez | Ángel Cabrera | Round Table (Camelot) | Angel (Buffy the Vampire Slayer) | The Wounded Angel | The Blue Angel | Miguel Ángel González (boxer) | International Table Tennis Federation | I'm No Angel | Angel Stadium of Anaheim |