
2 unusual facts about Anadyr River

Anadyr River

The area is a summering place for a number of migratory birds including Brent geese, Eurasian Wigeons, and the pintails of California.

Willow Warbler

The Willow Warbler (Phylloscopus trochilus) is a very common and widespread leaf warbler which breeds throughout northern and temperate Europe and Asia, from Ireland east to the Anadyr River basin in eastern Siberia.

Dwarf Arctic char

Kresta Bay (Iultinsky District), the Anadyr basin (Anadyr District) and the rivers with mouths on the coast south of Anadyr.

Siberian Husky

Dogs from the Anadyr River and surrounding regions were imported into Alaska from 1908 (and for the next two decades) during the gold rush for use as sled dogs, especially in the "All-Alaska Sweepstakes," a 408-mile (657-km) distance dog sled race from Nome, to Candle, and back.

see also


Anadyrsk an early Cossack fort and settlement on the middle part of the Anadyr river, approx.