
5 unusual facts about Anastasio Somoza Debayle

Anastasio Somoza Debayle

At the age of seven, he was enrolled at the Instituto Pedagógico La Salle, run by the Christian Brothers.


With the AR-10 in short supply, Cummings left his personal demonstrator rifle with Nicaragua's chief military commander, General Anastasio Somoza, who would personally conduct the endurance test trial.

León, Nicaragua

Anastasio Somoza Debayle, Nicaraguan president (1st term: 1967–1972, 2nd term: 1974–1979); overthrown by the Sandinistas.

Several cannons were placed on the roof both during the siege of the city by conservative forces in 1824 and during the Revolution of 1979 against dictator Anastasio Somoza Debayle.

Steven López

In his native country, his father, Julio, worked for the dictator Anastasio Somoza, who was overthrown in 1979 after the Sandinista Revolution.

Movimiento Todos por la Patria

By the time the group was founded, Merlo had been active in guerrilla activities for years; he fought with the People's Revolutionary Army (ERP) in the 1970s and later went on to collaborate with the Sandinistas to assassinate former Nicaraguan president Anastasio Somoza Debayle in 1980, who was living in exile in Paraguay.

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