
6 unusual facts about Anatoly Konstantinovich Rozhdestvensky


rozhdestvenskyi, was named in honor of the Russian paleontologist Anatoly Konstantinovich Rozhdestvensky.


The Russian paleontologist Rozhdestvensky compared the forelimbs of Deinocheirus to sloths, leading him to hypothesize that Deinocheirus was a specialized climbing dinosaur, that fed on fruits and leaves and perhaps also eggs and any small animals found in trees.


The type species is Probactrosaurus gobiensis, described and named by A. K. Rozhdestvensky in 1966.


A second valid species, S. angustirostris, is represented by numerous specimens from Mongolia, and was described by Anatoly Konstantinovich Rozhdestvensky.

The 1947–49 Polish-Mongolian Paleontological Expedition recovered the large skeleton that became S. angustirostris as described by Anatoly Rozhdestvensky.

angustirostris Rozhdestvensky, 1952

see also