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On his return to Germany, he went to the University of Berlin, where he was privatdocent, and in 1856 became an adjunct professor of the language and literature of ancient India.
The location of this historical town made it a key passage from Ancient India along the Silk Road, leading westwards through the mountains towards Bamiyan.
In the Buddhist Maurya Empire of ancient India, citizens of all religions and ethnic groups had some rights to freedom, tolerance, and equality.
Magadhi Prakrit (Ardhamāgadhī) is of one of the three Dramatic Prakrits, the written languages of Ancient India following the decline of Pali and Sanskrit.
Many distinguished poets of ancient India, who flourished evn before Sri Harsha, have referred to the love of Udayana and Vasavadatta, and the devotion of Yougandharayana for his master Udayana.
He is best known as being an abbot of Nālandā monastery in India, as being an expert on Yogācāra teachings, and for being the personal tutor of the Chinese Buddhist monk Xuanzang.
Chanakya's Chant by Ashwin Sanghi is a fictional account of Chanakya's life as a political strategist in ancient India.
Devabhuti (r. 83–73 BCE) was the last king of the Sunga Empire in ancient India.
Georg Feuerstein, Subhash Kak, David Frawley, In Search of the Cradle of Civilization: New Light on Ancient India, Quest Books (October, 1995), ISBN 0-8356-0720-8.
In Search of the Cradle of Civilization: New Light on Ancient India is a 1995 book by Georg Feuerstein, Subhash Kak, and David Frawley that argues against the theories that Indo-European peoples arrived in India in the middle of the second millennium BC (Indo-Aryan migration) and supports the concept of "Indigenous Aryans" and the Out of India theory.
While the original Hindu concept was developed and explained in various Dharmic philosophical texts of ancient India, the Buddhist version of the metaphor was later developed by the Mahayana school in the 3rd century scriptures of the Avatamsaka Sutra and later by the Huayan school between the 6th and 8th centuries.
The former name is apparently free from Iranian or Paisaci influence since Maharashtra location was far removed from the north-west division of ancient India.
Chandragupta Maurya (Sandrakottos) (324–301 BC), the greatest emperor of ancient India, founded the Mauryan Empire after defeating both the Nanda Empire and the Macedonian Seleucid Empire
In the story told by Hokusai, formed in the Edo period, the nine-tail fox which possessed Daji was not killed, but instead fled to Magadha of Tianzhu (ancient India).
), adjacent to modern-day Patna, was a city in ancient India, originally built by Magadha ruler Ajatasatru in 490 BCE as a small fort (Pāṭaligrama) near River Ganges.
Pradyota dynasty is an ancient Indian dynasty, which ruled over Avanti in the present-day Madhya Pradesh state, though most of the Puranas (except a manuscript of the Brahmanda Purana, preserved in the University of Dhaka) say that this dynasty succeeded the Barhadratha dynasty in Magadha.
The specific epithet kamboja is in reference to the Kamboja tribe of ancient India literature who settled the area now called Khambat and formerly called Cambay.
Mahabharata mentions about a whole region inhabited by Sakas called Sakadwipa to the north-west of ancient India, at (6:11):-There in that region are, many delightful provinces where Siva is worshipped, and thither repair the Siddhas, the Charanas, and the Devas.
Shudra: The Rising is set in the time of the Harappan civilisation and has a storyline that concerns the caste system of ancient India.
Her book, "Ancient India and Ancient China: Trade and Religious Exchanges, A.D. 1-600" won the award for Outstanding Research Works done between 1977-1991 from the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences.