Blue Ventures, a UK-based non-governmental organisation, runs a field research site situated next to the village of Andavodoaka, aiming to improve the community and promote the sustainable management of marine resources.
The reefs around Andavadoaka represent some of the most well-developed coral reef systems in the Indian Ocean.
The village lies on the edge of a shallow lagoon protected from the open ocean by a series of fringing and submerged barrier reefs that support substantial coral growth, providing a vital resource base for a local artisanal fishery.
Blue Ventures is best known for its work in Madagascar, which originated in the remote southwestern village of Andavadoaka, home to the organisation’s first field site, established in 2003.
The Velondriake General Assembly consists of elected representatives from each of the 25 villages within the LMMA; larger villages, such as Andavadoaka, have six representatives, while smaller villages have only two or three.