The cultural importance of the Bure family genealogy in Sweden is demonstrated e.g. by the novel The Knight Templar trilogy by Jan Guillou, which in part compares with the early Bure family ancestry.
Some Bure family lines and individuals have acquired the names Bure, Burman and Burensköld.
Anders Fogh Rasmussen | Thomas Anders | Anders Jormin | Günther Anders | Anders Fager | Anders Behring Breivik | Anders Aukland | Władysław Anders | Anders Celsius | Anders Zorn | Anders Thomas Jensen | Anders Morgenthaler | Anders Björner | Anders Bagge | William Anders | Anders Sandberg | Anders Jahan Retzius | Anders Hansson | Anders Dahlvig | Anders Arborelius | Lars Anders Tomter | Knut Anders Fostervold | Anders Winroth | Anders Sandøe Ørsted | Anders Remmer | Anders Olsson | Anders Møller | Anders Linderoth | Anders Linder | Anders Koppel |