
2 unusual facts about Andrássy


The full family name is "Andrássy de Csíkszentkirály et Krasznahorka." "Csíkszentkirály" is a town in modern-day Romania now called Sâncrăieni, while Krásna Hôrka is a castle in Slovakia.

Jacob Hespeler

His mother was a granddaughter of Count Károly Andrássy de Csíkszentkirály et Krasznahorka (1723–1795), a Hungarian nobleman.

Andrássy út

In September 2011, Secretary of State for Culture Géza Szőcs officially announced plans to build a new structure along Andrássy út close to City Park and near the existing Budapest Museum of Fine Arts and Budapest Art Hall (Műcsarnok).

Katinka Kendeffy

She married Count Gyula Andrássy de Csíkszentkirály et Krasznahorka in Paris, on 9 July 1856, when Andrássy lived in emigration after defeat of the Hungarian Revolution of 1848.

Marton Vizy

He grew up at Kodály Circle (on Andrassy Avenue) in the house where the famous music composer Zoltán Kodály lived.

Red Countess

The Red Countess, a 1985 Hungarian film, based on Katinka Andrássy


On the Háromtetej hill which rises above a narrow valley of the Olt River, the ruines of the ancient castle of the Andrássy family can be seen,


The families of Hungarian nobility that are known to have lived in Tiszadob at one point in time: Andrássy, Aranyász, Balogh, Baráth, Batta, Bódogh, Boros, Czegledy, Czihát, Dancs, Doby (ancient family), Görgei, Jánossy, Kazai, Lakatos, Monoky (ancient family), Pápai, Péchy, Porkoláb, Székes, Szük, Tóth and Zákány.

see also