
3 unusual facts about Angers Cathedral

Angers Cathedral

However, Geoffroy de Tours, the Bishop of Angers from 1081 to 1093, ordered the reconstruction of the Cathedral, which continued under the supervision of his successors, Renaud de Martigné (1102–1125), Ulger (1125–1148) and Normand de Doué (1148–1153).

When Ingoult was done, the organ had, besides the pedalboard, 47 pipes with four keyboards (manuals).

In the 7th Century, a devotion to St. Maurilius, the Bishop of Angers in the 4th Century, began.

Jean-Baptiste Moreau

Born in Angers, Moreau was a choirboy at the Cathédrale Saint-Maurice d'Angers, and it was there that he received his musical education.


Combining ribbed vaults and the Romanesque tradition, the cathedrals of Angers (1149–1159) and Poitiers (1162) are examples of a primitive Gothic art, more austere and less well lit.

see also