
unusual facts about Animal Liberation

Assault and battery

"Assault and Battery", a song by Howard Jones from his 1985 album Dream into Action (also included on the 1987 compilation album Animal Liberation)

Timeline of Animal Liberation Front actions

The Animal Liberation Press Office in North America report that: "There were at least 53 claimed actions by the animal liberation underground in North America in 2007, almost twice the number from the year before.", claiming that there are even more that went unreported.

see also

Animal Liberation Press Office

Animal Liberation Press Offices relay anonymous communiques, photos and videos to the media about direct action undertaken by the Animal Liberation Front (ALF), Animal Rights Militia (ARM), Animal Liberation Brigade, Justice Department, and other leaderless resistance within the animal liberation movement.

Single-issue politics

For instance, in the New South Wales state election, 1999, candidate Malcolm Jones received just 0.2% of the primary vote, but achieved the quota of 4.5% required to win a Legislative Council seat after receiving preferences from a wide range of minor parties (including both the 'Gun Owners and Sporting Hunters Rights Party' and the 'Animal Liberation Party'); MLC Lee Rhiannon accused many of these parties of being nothing more than fronts.