
7 unusual facts about Aquatic animal

Aquatic animal

Aquatic animals include for example the seabirds, such as gulls (family Laridae), pelicans (family Pelecanidae), and albatrosses (family Diomedeidae), and most of the Anseriformes (ducks, swans and geese).

Elephant trunk snake

Acrochordus javanicus, commonly known as the Elephant Trunk Snake, belongs to the Acrochordidae family which represents a group of primitive non-venemous aquatic snakes.

Those aquatics snakes are ovoviviparous, the incubation lasts 5 in 6 months and the female expels from 6 to 17 youngs.


Hyphalosaurus (meaning "submerged lizard") is a genus of freshwater aquatic reptiles which represent a major part of the Jehol Biota.

Myrothecium verrucaria

Because the mixture may be toxic to aquatic organisms, it is not approved for use in or near bodies of water.

Nerodia erythrogaster

Nerodia erythrogaster, commonly known as the plain-bellied water snake or plainbelly water snake, is a familiar species of mostly aquatic, nonvenomous, colubrid snake endemic to the United States.

Siebold's water snake

This snake has the upper parts covered in large blotches similar to those of a python but they are distinctive in having their nostrils on the top of the snout to aid their aquatic lifestyle.

Alamosa springsnail

Tryonia alamosae, common name the Alamosa springsnail, is a species of small freshwater snail, an aquatic prosobranch gastropod mollusk in the family Hydrobiidae.


The reed grasses of the subfamily Arundinoideae were probably far less widespread in Africa 35 million years ago (Ma) than they are today, but it is fairly likely that other Poales reeds—Cyperaceae (maybe including the ancestors of the Papyrus Sedge Cyperus papyrus), Juncaceae and Typhaceae—grew in aquatic habitats back then already.

Marstonia pachyta

The armored marstonia, scientific name Marstonia pachyta, also known as Pyrgulopsis pachyta, is a species of freshwater snail, an aquatic gastropod mollusk in the family Hydrobiidae.

see also