The Galaxy Angel anime series, produced by BROCCOLI, Madhouse and Bandai Visual, premiered across Japan on Animax between 7 April 2001 to 29 September 2001, and was soon followed by numerous sequels, including a second series ("Z"), a third series ("A", "AA", and "S") and a fourth ("X").
The complete series, all 26 episodes, was later aired by the anime satellite television network, Animax, who translated and dubbed the series into English for broadcast across its English-language networks in Southeast Asia and South Asia, under the title Remi, Nobody's Girl, as well as other languages including Arabic in the Middle East where it was a success and famous.
The series premiered from September 11, 2004 to February 26, 2005 across Japan on the anime television network, Animax, who also later aired the series across its respective networks worldwide, including East Asia, Southeast Asia, and other regions.
Animax | Animax Entertainment | Animax Asia | Animax Eastern Europe |
The company's Flash animation division, also known as Animax Interactive, was founded in November 2001 by Andrew K. Bain and Dave Thomas, the actor, writer, and producer known for his Emmy award-winning work on SCTV.
The series was subsequently aired by the anime television network Animax, who also aired it across its English language networks in Southeast Asia and South Asia.
Based in South East Asia and launch in 2006, it forms partnership with major player in the region, namely TM Net, the largest ISP in Malaysia and Sony Picture Entertainment through Animax and AXN.
She has also designed dresses for the characters in the Animax movie LaMB.