
unusual facts about Ann J. Land

Ann J. Land

She was an active campaigner for John F. Kennedy, and later became a member of the Philadelphia's Democratic Committee.

Clay D. Land

Within hours of Land's decision, the physician's attorney, Orly Taitz, told the news site Talking Points Memo that she felt Land's refusal to hear her case was an act of treason.

Emory S. Land

Admiral Land was also instrumental in overseeing the establishment of the United States Merchant Marine Academy, located in Kings Point, New York as a commissioning source for officers entering the Merchant Marine and Naval Reserve in World War II.

Frank S. Land

He was honored with the Knight Commander of the Court of Honor of the Scottish Rite and coroneted a 33° in 1925.

He received the first International Gold Service Medal of the General Grand Chapter of York Rite Masons in 1951 for work in Humanities.

Land was selected to act as the director of the Masonic Relief and Employment Bureau of the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry.

Gary Shipman

Shipman, with wife Rhoda Shipman, created the independently produced comic book series Pakkins' Land, both plotting out the stories together and Gary scripting, lettering, penciling, and inking the illustrations for the series.

Leon Drolet

Legal disputes over petition irregularities cited in challenges by Representative Dillon lead to the case of Bogaert v. Land.

Never, Never, Land

The film The Prophecy (vocal sample: "Even now in heaven there were angels carrying savage weapons")

The tracks on the album contain audio samples from the movies The Prophecy, Jacob's Ladder, THX 1138 and The Thin Red Line.

The track Glow was used as one of the insert songs of the 2009 film Push starring Dakota Fanning.

Old Colombo Dutch Hospital

Paintings of the front and rear views of the Colombo hospital, done in 1771 by a Dutch artist--presumably Johannes Rach--are preserved in the Koninklijk Instituut voor Taal-, Land- en Volkekunde at Leiden, in the Netherlands.

The Birds II: Land's End

Biology teacher and Somali Civil War veteran, Ted, his wife, and children move to a summer house on an island after the death of their son.

United States Maritime Service

At the request of Congress, the chairman of the Maritime Commission, VADM Emory S. Land worked with ADM Russell R. Waesche, Commandant of the Coast Guard, to formulate a training program for merchant-marine personnel.

see also