
2 unusual facts about Annales


Although the Angrivarii receive brief mention in Ptolemy (2.10) and the Germania of Tacitus (33), they appear mainly at several locations in Annales.


It is regarded as the passage of the Aeneid most imitative of the Annales of Ennius.

Annales Cavenses

The Annales Cavenses are a chronicle compiled at the La Trinità della Cava abbey in Cava de' Tirreni, province of Salerno, southern Italy.

Battle of Wakefield

By another account, the Annales Rerum Anglicorum, John Neville himself obtained a Commission of Array from Richard of York to raise 8,000 men to fight on York's side under the Earl of Westmoreland, John Neville's older brother and the most senior peer in the family.

Benoit Crutzen

As a researcher, Crutzen has been published (with Micael Castanheira and Nicolas Sahuguet) in the Journal of Law, Economics & Organization, with Sahuguet in the Journal of Economic Theory and (with Étienne Wasmer and Yves Zenou) in the Annales d'Economie et de Statistique.

Chronica sancti Pantaleonis

The Chronica sancti Pantaleonis, also called the Annales sancti Panthaleonis Coloniensis maximi, is a medieval Latin universal history written at the Benedictine monastery of Saint Pantaleon in Cologne.

House of Zúñiga

Diego Ortiz de Zúñiga, (1633 - 1680) Historian, writer, author of "Discurso Genealógico de los Ortices de Sevilla" and "Annales Eclesiásticos y Seculares de la Muy Noble y Muy Leal Ciudad de Sevilla...desde el año de 1246...hasta el de 1671..."

Jacques Mallet du Pan

During Linguet's imprisonment in the Bastille Mallet du Pan continued the Annales by himself (1781-1783); but Linguet resented this on his release, and Mallet du Pan changed the title of his own publication to Mémoires historiques (1783).

Laurent Cerise

In 1843 with Jacques-Joseph Moreau (1804-1884), Jules Baillarger (1809-1890) and François Achille Longet (1811-1871), he founded the psychiatric journal Annales médico-psychologiques.

Maurice Neveu-Lemaire

In 1923, with Émile Brumpt and Maurice Langeron, he founded the journal Les Annales de Parasitologie humaine et comparée.


Alexander Zippelius (1797-1828) is given authorship of the genus, publishing in Annales Musei Botanici Lugduno-Batavi (Amsterdam), 1: 203, in 1864.

Thomas Farnaby

Other letters appear in John Borough's ‘Impetus Juveniles’ (1643), and in Barten Holyday's ‘Juvenal.’ Farnaby prefixed verses in Greek with an English translation to Thomas Coryat's ‘Crudities,’ and he wrote commendatory lines for William Camden's ‘Annales.’ Ben Jonson was a friend of Farnaby, and contributed commendatory Latin elegiacs to his edition of Juvenal and Persius.

Tombs of the Kings

The Valley of the Kings in Egypt was sometimes known as the Valley of the Tombs of the Kings (see, for example, H. Carter, "Report on tomb-pit opened on the 26th January 1901 in the Valley of the Tombs of the Kings", Les annales du service des antiquités de l’égypte 2 (1901).

Vardanes I of Parthia

According to Tacitus (Annales xi. 8-10), Vardanes I was expelled temporarily from the throne by Gotarzes II, and fled to take refuge "in the plains of the Bactrians" (possibly the Yuezhi, who occupied Bactria at that time).

see also