
unusual facts about Anne Isabella Byron, Baroness Byron

Anne Isabella Byron, Baroness Byron

Prior to her death, she shared the story of her marriage to Byron with Harriet Beecher Stowe, who published the account in 1869.

Ultimately her relationship with Byron defined her life, though she committed herself to social causes, such as prison reform and the abolition of slavery.

Anne Knight

A few women were included in the painting of the convention with Knight; these were Elizabeth Pease, Amelia Opie, Baroness Byron, Mary Anne Rawson, Mrs John Beaumont, Elizabeth Tredgold, Thomas Clarkson's daughter-in-law and niece Mary and right at the back Lucretia Mott.

Elizabeth Pease Nichol

Other women included were Amelia Opie, Baroness Byron, Mary Anne Rawson, Mrs John Beaumont, Elizabeth Tredgold, Mary Clarkson and, at the back, Lucretia Mott.

Frank J. Webb

The couple received a warm welcome from many British nobles, including Lady Noel Byron, to whom he dedicated The Garies and Their Friends, and Henry, Lord Brougham, who wrote an enthusiastic introduction.

Thomas Noel, 2nd Viscount Wentworth

The union did not produce any children, although Wentworth had fathered an illegitimate son, Thomas (1774–1853), who became rector of Kirkby Mallory and performed the marriage ceremony of his cousin, Anne Isabella to Lord Byron in 1815.

see also