
unusual facts about Anne Stevenson

Anne Stevenson

Stevenson is the author of over a dozen volumes of poetry, of some books of essays and literary criticism, of a controversial biography of the American poet Sylvia Plath, Bitter Fame: A Life of Sylvia Plath (1989), and two critical studies of Elizabeth Bishop.

Harry Guest

At Trinity Hall he co-edited the poetry magazine Chequer, which continued for eleven issues and published poems by Thom Gunn, Anne Stevenson, Ted Hughes, and Sylvia Plath.

see also

David MacLeod Black

During this period Black's work also appeared in Penguin Modern Poets 11 and British Poetry since 1945, and was widely commented on in Scottish contexts, for example in Robin Fulton's Contemporary Scottish Poetry(1974) and in reviews by Anne Stevenson (Lines Review 69, 1979) and Andrew Grieg (Akros 16:46, 1981).