
2 unusual facts about Anthony Weiner

Anthony Weiner

In July 2008, The New York Times characterized Weiner as one of the most intense and demanding of bosses, describing him as often working long hours with his staff, requiring them to be in constant contact by BlackBerry, frequently yelling at them, and occasionally throwing office furniture in anger.

Jeff Koyen

The article was widely condemned by Senators Hillary Clinton and Chuck Schumer, New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg, Matt Drudge, and Abe Foxman, among others, including now-disgraced Congressman Anthony Weiner who suggested that New Yorkers take copies of that issue out of their news boxes and destroy them.

David Weprin

Weprin was selected by the local leaders of the Democratic Party to run for the New York's 9th congressional district special election to the House of Representatives held on September 13, 2011, to replace Democrat Anthony Weiner, who had resigned in June 2011 following a sexting scandal.

On September 13, 2011, Weprin lost the special election to the US House of Representatives to fill Anthony Weiner's former seat in 9th congressional district to Republican Bob Turner.

see also